Monday, September 01, 2008

Commitment = Passion?

Every time I feel miserable about what I'm doing at work, how people react, respond, do, not do, I start wondering. Is it always me vs. 'them', this invisible 'them' consisting of everyone in Galaxy Work or is it just my attitude and mind set?
I come across many articles by various people both established and even those who are not so well known. The common refrain in all their sound bytes is 'have passion, love what you do, and success will follow'.
I am known as a passionate person. Maybe it's the way I speak, maybe it's just my work that speaks, or that I'm a sucker for compliments. Let's keep that aside for a bit. The point is I have passion for life I think. Have I found the one thing above all else that I love to do in terms of a career, profession, work? Maybe not. But I am committed. When I do something I like to do it well. When I am given responsibility to see through something, I do it. Somehow the 'C' word assumes tremendous importance in my lexicon. (I wonder maybe that's why I have failed relationships. Men are commitment phobic when it comes to me). In fact the anger stems as a result of the dependencies and I more often than not find that I'm doing more than my scope of work. Is it unique to me? Perhaps not. Am sure a whole universe of such individuals exist and have probably faced it sometime or the other? Maybe that's why we have 'shirkers', 'doers', 'thinkers', 'pass the buck'ers, 'take the credit'ers and so on.

Is commitment therefor in my DNA or something that I deeply believe in? I haven't really analysed it and I don't think my counselling sessions have come up with an answer as to why 'commitment' is soooo.....important!Be that as it may, I think, commitment is present only if passion walks hand in hand with it. You may be committed to doing something but you may not do it well, or you may do it half-heartedly or do it like it's a millstone around your neck. But if you are bereft of passion, then it's like being sterile.

So is passion alone enough to take you through life?
Or is commitment alone enough? Or are both necessary?
And are they mutually exclusive or mutually inclusive?
Can passion frighten away people due to the intensity one has for it?
Is success a given if you have passion?
Where does commitment fit in?
Or is this all humbug and all we should do and understand is 'hard work'?
Would 'hard work', 'passion' and 'commitment' comprise the Holy Trinity of Success?

I don't know. I know I'm committed and I'm passionate and I work hard. But...


Psyche said...

If you are committed AND passionate... whats to worry about?

My biggest issue is that I cannot get passionate about ANYTHING. I really do envy people with passion

GhostOfTomJoad said...

Hello? Is there anyone around here?

Livin said...

>Psyche - It's been so long, I think I've forgotten how to leave a comment on my comment box :). The worry is that commitment and passion then get interpreted as aggression, domination, bull headedness, and one faces I think jealousy and...Oh well, it's good I guess, and it's not so good. It's a point of view.
>Hey GOTJ - You were a ghost for a while, so it seems you've woken up from your slumber. Yup I'm here...and I have to write again. I write in my head not here...touched that you remembered.