Happyness Quotient!
MENSA, IQ, EQ - we all have them, and there are measures for all of these. Each one of them tells you against some pre-determined, pre-defined parameters, how intelligent you are, how caring or sensitive you are or how emotional you are, and so on.
As per some recent studies conducted somewhere (who conducts these studies anyway and who funds these studies and what happens after they study all these traits of human beings and what are social scientists doing about it), Indian youth are supposed to be the happiest. Really? Wow! Really now!
Maybe they should do the same for the middle aged population and find out the Happyness Quotient (yes, Happyness is Happiness but thanks to Will Smith I quite like this spelling). I'm curious. Curious because I want to know if my hunch is correct, about the state of mind of urban, educated, in their 30s, youth of India. And if they're not unhappy and prove my hunches wrong, then I definitely want to know how they manage to retain their HQ and why. It'd be an interesting study. And the study should be conducted with some 200,000 youth across Tier I and Tier II cities. Maybe that would be a good indicator, though 0.02% of the population may not really be a good sample size, but then it should do I guess.
I really do want a new line of thinking, a new attitude and a new perspective. I think I shall go shopping and see if a 'sale' is on somewhere. Buy 1 and get 2 free would be a good investment.
Or better still, it'd be great if happyness was bottled and on sale. Now wouldn't that be something!
HQ has already been measured for various countries. And you will be surprised to know that for the Indian youth, HQ is very high. I think it is the new liberal economy with more choices and the increased purchasing power that leads to this in India.
I am aware of this. However, I would like it done for a slightly older population as mentioned in the post. Somehow one gets a feeling when talking to one's friends who are 30+ that they're not really happy.
i think this happines lark is all made up. most people want to be like everyone else who is 'normal' and who do 'normal' things and lead 'normal' lives but really there is no such thing as normal. i guess it's just what we each perceive as being normal. i think the same is true with being happy.
i heard something the other day that went something like 'life isn't about the destination, it's about the journey along the way'. i guess for most of us and for most of the time happiness, normality and a whole load of other stuff are just things to aim for, and if our path doesn't lead us there, then maybe it will lead us to something equally cool.
in a weird mood lately, sort of floaty and care free is probably the best way to describe it. positive. excited. i'm sure it won't be long till i'm back to my old self, but for now i'm gonna just roll with it.
the **** is gonna stay secret for a while longer. it's hypocritical to want to keep something secret and yet still post it on a publicly accessible webpage - but there we go. i think i could do with a good dose of preachy every now and again.
one of the things that claimed my dad was cirrhosis of the liver...maybe i've already started working my way towards his downfall too.
thank you, leeds fest was truly awesome, had such a great time there, and i'm already looking forward to going back next year. not long till budapest now either :D
oh, and of course you can, it's Dan
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