Wednesday, July 09, 2008

That damned thing called procrastination!

We all pontificate! Is it to do with 'think before you leap'?

I procrastinate about:
a) Diets
b) Exercise
c) Shoring up my resume
d) Keeping in touch with great / good friends
e) Reading
f) Converting all my tapes into CDs/ DVDs
g) My blog and how to make it this really 'cool' 'hip' one - with all the latest gizmos on it be it the trackbacks, Digg It or whathaveyou
h) What else?
i) What else hmm?
j) Hmmm hmmm?
k) Clearing my closet
l) My investments
m) Movie watching
n) Jogging
o) Mmm....
I have been procrastinating for so long on so many things that I forget what I was procrastinating about., let me, mmm...ummm....oh?....nah...awww....n....wha.....mmmm....

Dunno. What do you procrastinate about?

1 comment:

Ravi Kodukula said...

Can I say, when I look into the mirror I see you...

You damn well bet I do...
