Sunday, June 08, 2008

There's so much stuff happenin'!

I liked reading my old posts here. I'm repetitive (LOL), but I think I'm the only living person on earth who really likes to read her own stuff and finds it really good reading.

I read a good post from this gentleman's post here today. It was while I was googling on another young lady who apparently is making a lot of noise on the blogosphere what with local TV news channels inviting her to speak on blogs et al.

So all this gets me thinking. Should I make my blog popular by trying to present a voyeuristic account of my life, what I think of sex, and some raucous accounts of my sex life (or its non-existence of it) or of my friend's (no, actually we don't discuss sex lives, don't know why, maybe because we come from an old school of thought and leave it between the sheets), or my boss's vital statistics (given that she's a woman) and so on? Because hey listen, blogs are a mean of expression. I wrote about it here in 2006 (and they're discussing about it now...egads! am I a progressive thinker and a 'social commentator' or what?). Read my blogs here - they're really cool (minus the stuff where I'm a mental wreck and I write self-flagellation stuff, but then who doesn't).

I had quite a few commentators on my blog (how sad, no one does that anymore). Someone called Rajneesh used to comment until I told him I found him cute and wanted to date him. He vamoosed. I started reading his blog because I found his sense of humour really funny and of course at that time I was achingly fond of one of his young friends who has since, been married, and I had to visit his blog to remember Rajneesh's blog (sorry mister, my memory does seem to have taken a hit).

Irfan has again decided to disappear. Psyche I think has gone to the US as she said she was going to and is of course probably too busy having fun to read up posts (which have been so infrequent). My other friends gave up on me and my posts a long time ago.

So anyway, there's a whole lot of shakin' goin' on, ma friends, I tell ya. There's too much stuff on the Net, the convergence bit on technology, marketing guys are thinking how to invade my mind through pernicious intrusive media (thanks to technology you can see what I'm doing in my bathroom man), and yet, markets suffer, oil prices soar, inflation hits, Indians eat and apparently accordingly to Mr.George W Bush, food prices go higher and so on. You know what! I write or not, read or not, play or not, think or not, talk about sex and orgasms or not, tits, balls, penises, books, politicos, head honchos, I can tell you this - we're on self-destruct.

Whatever we do, we can't save ourselves. Predictions, global warming, inflation, market economies, G8 summits notwithstandng, we're dying. It's pathetic to hear the cacophony of everything around, like a mother (Maa), in a Hindi movie, dying of cancer, saying 'betaa' (son to those who want the translation), as if by mouthing that plea, somehow she's going to actually live because she does want to, even after the hideously long suffering she's had to endure and doesn't mind enduring and some. We're actually in the vortex (I like the imagery that conjures up) of self-destruction and honestly, I'm not a prude or a pessimist or any of the names you want to fling upon me, but you can see it, we're almost there. It won't be long now.

It would be a sad end indeed and I wonder if our blogs would somehow end up somewhere, as leaves of a book in ether! You know, you've seen the credits of movies like Star Wars or any other sci-fi movie right? All the names appearing at the bottom of the screen and flying off may light years away into the backdrop of the Milky Way and many other such gazillion galaxies? Ok, now that you've got the picture, I think all these blog shlogs and everything in between will finally find its way there, like a 'blogroll' of credits from the pages of the History of Earth.

Someone, or something hopefully will find mine interesting. In the meantime, I think I will take some of my earlier posts on and compile them and hope for a publisher. There's so much stuff happening and if a young girl or a journo writes about 'finding men who rock their insides' so to speak and it's dissed and discussed about on national TV, hey, I write pretty ok too eh?

I will find my metier yet. Till such time, go flickr or tiwtter or check your facebook or youtube or jaiku or whatever. Find your idiosyncrasy.

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