Saturday, March 29, 2008

Just a thought!

We're all such troubled souls aren't we?
Look around and people, you, I, everyone you know, don't know, anyone, everyone seems to be troubled. Over what? The same thing that troubles you :). Why? The same reason it troubles you?? Maybe.

Who knows? We're all troubled.

And then you see those bald children without their eyebrows or eyelashes, cherubic faces, full of life and mischief, from little 2 year old Ankita to 14 year old Sajjad. Hanging on to your every word. Matching your wit, your energy, grinning (at our troubles as if saying, 'he he, you troubled, fool?'), bustling, just being so full of life.

And life itself will soon ebb from their hearts and lungs and those smiles will be frozen in time. (They all have limited time to live. They suffer from cancer in various stages.)

And then I look around. And I find troubled souls. I look within, I find a troubled soul.

I'll never find the answer. I'll never know why. Them, us, you, I, trouble, life, questions, uh answer.

Keep walking. (my favourite tag-line ever for any ad category, from Johnnie Walker).

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